The EC Way 100 is one of the best ways to see our EPIC Wine Region and Essex County by bicycle. After years scouting, rejecting and then documenting the best routes, the organizers of Essex Centurion Solo Cycling Challenge at Share the Road – Essex County were ready to get the word out there for other cyclists to enjoy in comfort – the “EC” Way.
A Classic Ride
The EC Way 100 is a classic 100-Mile Century Ride which loops our Essex County region. With a mixture of both paved & unpaved surfaces, a hybrid bike with tires that are suitable for both types of terrain is best. The majority of the region’s population and feature destinations can be found along (or close to) the EC Way 100.

“Since 2005, through our Share the Road – Essex County initiative, we’ve been promoting the “Share the Road” message and have been advocating for cycling facilities to make cycling safer throughout the region of Essex-Kent Ontario,” shares Tom Omstead of the Essex Centurion Solo Cycling Group.
“Our initial focus was on behalf of migrant workers, biking along Seacliff Drive between their place of work. As well as the communities of Kingsville & Leamington. But it quickly blossomed to all cyclists across the entire region. With the construction of many new cycling facilities across the region, cycling has become a whole lot safer and, if you know how piece them together with peaceful backroads in the country and low traffic neighbourhood streets like we do, it’s become a great place to bike.”
“Today, we’ve shifted gears from advocacy to being mostly about sharing information about how to bike this region in the most enjoyable & comfortable way.”
Our Pelee Island Winery Retail Boutique and Patio sits at Mile 7 along the route in Kingsville.
A Bike Friendly Stop

At both our Kingsville Winery Retail Boutique & Patio and our Pelee Island Winery Pavilion on Pelee Island, we welcome cyclists. We have designated areas for bicycle parking. Our restrooms are open to you during business hours. We have information for cycling routes. Healthy food options close by. Plus, if you choose to shop, we can ship your wine purchases directly to your door so you don’t have to carry them.
Kingsville is currently designated as “Bike Friendly” in the Ontario By Bike™ Network and our Island location in awaiting its designation soon. For cyclists, the Ontario By Bike™ Network offers a variety of information on cycling in Ontario; inspiring visitors and residents to explore more by bike.
On the Island? Pelee Island is a part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail. The Pelee Island Waterfront Trail is a 30km circular route that follows the Lake Erie shoreline all around the Island. The route travels quiet country roads, through farmland, vineyards and natural areas, and has equal sections that are paved and unpaved.

Share Your Experience
The Cycle Essex Kent Blog is a place where all are welcome to share their ride experiences and cycling knowledge. It’s also a place where Essex & Kent County based cyclists and visitors can find suggestions for scenic, enjoyable and comfortable (“EC”) cycling routes. The Blog’s What’s Where page highlights interesting destinations which can be found along the EC Way 100 – such as Pelee Island Winery in Kingsville. We are honoured to act as a a partner for helping to get good information out there to cyclists!
Cheers and Happy Trails!
Find the EC 100 Group on social media here:
Instagram – @ecway100
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ShareTheRoadEssexCounty
Pssttt… Don’t forget! While you’re here to sign up for our Birthday Club and receive a $20 Gift Voucher for your birthday!